Monday, November 4, 2013


So this article says that police in New York now have the ability to stop and search African and Latino people...just because. Especially in high crime African-American and Latinos areas a police officer could search and arrest a man even if it was for a very minor infraction. This puts many African-American and Latinos at a high risk for surveillance, harassment, violence and death.

Vocabulary #9

ultimate- greatest or most extreme.
interactive-  mutually or reciprocally active.
principle- a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions.
guidance- help or advice that tells you what to do.
collaboration- to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something.
formative- used to describe the time when someone or something is growing or being formed.
summative- cumulative.
racism- poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race.
intelligence- the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations.
From article:
indication- something that points out or shows something.
hyperbolic- extravagant exaggeration.
predominantly- for the most part; mainly.
inevitably- as is to be expected.
discretion- the right to choose what should be done in a particular situation.
impermissibly- not allowed or permitted.
doctrine- a state of government policy especially in international relations.
provision- the act or process of supplying or providing something.
excessive- going beyond what is usual.
hypothetical- involving or based on a suggested idea or theory.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


cursory- not thorough or detailed
impetus- force with which a body moves.
pinnacle- a high pointed piece of rock.
contumely- insulting language or treatment.
bereavement- mourning
cache- a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
consummation- the point at which something is complete.
calamity- a disaster
avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
fortify- strengthen with defensive works so as to protect it against attack.
erratic- irregular in pattern or movement
ubiquitous- seeming to be everywhere.
fortitude- courage in pain or adversity
nonchalant- appearing casually calm and relaxed.
affect- make a difference to
effect- a change that is a result or consequence of an action of other cause. 
misappropriate- unfairly take for one's own use.
pragmatic- dealing with things in a realistic way that is based on practical considerations.
metacognition- awareness and understanding of one's own thought process.
devoutly- showing deep religious feeling or commitment.

Monday, September 16, 2013


adroit- skillful in the use of hands or mind.
amicable- friendly
averse- having a strong dislike to something
belligerent- hostile or aggressive
benevolent- well meaning and kindly
cursory- not thorough or detailed
duplicity- deceitfulness
extol- praise enthusiastically
feasible- possible to do easily, conveniently
grimace- twisted expression showing pain, disgust or wry amusement.
holocaust- destruction on a mass scale, caused by fire or nuclear war.
impervious- impenetrable
impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
jeopardy- danger of harm, loss, or failure.
meticulous- showing great attention to detail.
nostalgia- a sentimental longing for the past.
quintessence- the perfect example.
retrogress- to go back to a earlier state, usually a worse one.
scrutinize- examine or inspect closely
tepid- lukewarm

Sunday, August 25, 2013


 Could there be anything good about being obese? To my surprise there actually are some pros about being obese, but there are a lot more cons about being obese also. Just because there are some positives about being obese that doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything about it. It would be way more beneficial to yourself to do something about it. This little essay I'm going to write will talk about the pros and cons about being obese.

First I will talk about the pros about being obese. They aren't the most positive things in the world, but they are somewhat good...I guess. If you are obese one "positive" thing is that you could possibly fight diseases better. The second "positive" thing that I found was that an obese person could possibly live longer if they don't get any diseases that obesity usually causes. These might be true but the possibility of getting a heart disease or some other disease like that would more likely effect you.

Now to talk about the negatives about being obese. First off obesity will make your life hard in every way. It will effect they way you work, the way you relax, the way you shop in the grocery store, the way you walk, etc. Obesity will also cause many diseases like heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and the list goes on. Obesity is a fast spreading epidemic that is effecting not only the U.S. but other countries also. Something needs to be done about this. We need to do more to help educate people about eating good, and we need to start at a young age. We need to encourage people to be more athletic and to get outside more. This will benefit not only our generation but future generations as well.

In conclusion, yeah obesity has some positive things about it but the number of negatives that come along with it largely out number the positives. It would be best if you did something about it. It will definitely help you out in the future. Here are some websites that will help educate you more about obesity:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


When I was searching for an article about obesity, I not only found an article but I found an entire website dedicated to educating the public about obesity. It not only informs the public about obesity but it also has statistics about the overall population and how obesity effects them. So here it is:


 Expository- detailed description or discussion
Composition- putting together of things
Assuage- relieve something unpleasant
Decadence- state of decline, immorality
Hackneyed- ordinary and unimaginative
Coalition- political alliance, merging into single entity
Transcend- go beyond limit, be independent of world
Meritorious- showing merit
Lurid- horrifying or shocking, unattractively bright
Petulant- sulky 

Monday, August 19, 2013


Question 1: As of right now there is nothing that should affect my participation or experience in this class.
Question 2: Last year in your class was a good learning experience for me. I was able to learn a lot more in a very easy way.
Question 3: I'm excited to learn more in your class this year but the only thing I'm concerned about is the reading. I'm not a huge reader and that is what kind of lost me last year. This will make a difference in my life because it will help with college and I will be able to gain other skills in this class that will help me after I graduate.


  1. Look for one at home.
  2. Look for one online.
  3. Go to the library.
  4. Borrow one from a friend.
  5. Go to the store and buy one.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Well the definition of expository is something relating to, or containing a setting forth of the meaning or purpose of the writing. The definition of composition is the act of process of making something. So expository composition is the making of the meaning of the literature you are reading...I think.


Why is it so easy point fingers and to "throw people under the bus" when something bad happens?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


This quote "dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe" in English says "who has begun has half done: dare to be wise, begin." Now I don't know what that means even when I read it in English. when I searched it online I saw another translation which said "it's as if we have forgotten the causality of fate that has brought down every great civilization." That still doesn't really make sense to me, but I hope we can talk more about it tomorrow.